HG Cornerstone offers comprehensive construction expert witness services associated with insurance claims and civil litigation. We provide compelling, effective construction expert witness testimony based on 30+ years of hands-on, direct construction experience and field oversight.
Our Construction Expert Witness services include:
We typically work on matters involving:
We work with clients in every facet of the construction, design, insurance, and surety industries including:
In litigation, where it counts, the best outcomes are reached by involving an expert who possesses both engineering design and hands-on construction field experience. HG Cornerstone is backed by over 30 years of hands-on construction practice, direct construction oversight, site safety responsibility, construction management, civil engineering, environmental engineering, and commercial real estate experience.
This is why our expert witness services include the most comprehensive and effective investigations and assessments available. HG Cornerstone consistently delivers sound, fact-based research and the most relevant information, evaluations, testing, expert opinions, conclusions, and compelling construction expert witness testimony possible. Take advantage of our vast experience and knowledge base.
HG Cornerstone has the critical expert witness oral testimony experience needed, stemming from a variety of situations. We confidently provide effective, understandable and compelling testimony.
Our construction expert witness services begin with an initial case consultation. Then we tailor the scope of our services around the technical aspects of the case, the overarching theme of the case and the dollar-value in question.
Our approach starts with carefully defining the issues at hand to develop an agreed-upon strategy, a pre-established work scope, and clearly defined set of deliverables. In this way, we work in the most cost-effective manner possible, proceed with the end goal in mind.
We have a solid track record of positive, successful outcomes.
Corrosion at pipe flange connection
(866) 204-3440