Construction Expert Witness Construction Defects Expert Witness Forensic Engineer Design Expert Witness Construction Products Expert Catastrophic Insurance Claims Surety Claims Forensics Accident and Injury Construction Expert Inspection Engineer Expert Witness Testimony Expert Testimony

HG Cornerstone is a nationally recognized and trusted construction expert witness, insurance claims expert witness, and forensic engineering firm.

We specialize in building construction litigation, design-related litigation, catastrophic property damage insurance claims, surety claims, environmental contamination matters, real estate and housing issues, construction accident and injury litigation, and premises accidents and injuries.

Whether your matter requires a construction defects expert for construction litigation, or an insurance claims expert for a property damage or premises liability claim, we can help most efficiently and effectively.

We have a solid track record of positive, successful outcomes.

The best outcomes are reached by involving an expert who possesses both engineering design and hands-on construction field experience. HG Cornerstone is backed by over 30 years of real-world experience including hands-on construction practice, direct construction oversight, design-build, construction management, civil engineering, environmental engineering, and construction site safety.

HG Cornerstone provides the most effective expert opinions, forensic investigations and expert witness testimony possible.

HG Cornerstone Construction Expert Witness Construction Consultant Forensic Engineer Forensic Engineering Firm Construction Defects Expert Witness Construction Defects Consultant

What we do

We provide comprehensive construction expert witness consulting and forensic engineering services for civil litigation and insurance claims. Our services span the entire claims process from initial claims evaluation through to mediation, arbitration, or litigation, as needed.

We also offer construction consulting services that focus on risk management and improved internal controls.


  • Construction Expert Witness
  • Insurance Claims Expert Witness
  • Expert Witness Opinions
  • Expert Witness Testimony
  • Forensic Engineering Investigations
  • Cause of Failure Determinations
  • Engineering Inspections & Evaluations
  • Expert Engineer’s Reports
  • Physical Evidence Examination & Testing
  • Physical Injury Investigations
  • Accident Reconstruction
  • Commercial Property Inspections
  • Construction Consulting


Construction Expert Witness Construction Defects Expert Witness Forensic Engineer Design Expert Witness Construction Products Expert Catastrophic Insurance Claims Surety Claims Forensics Accident and Injury Construction Expert Inspection Engineer Expert Witness Testimony Expert Testimony



– Construction Expert Witness
– Forensic Engineering
– Construction Defects
– Design Defects
– Constructibility Issues
– Standards of Care
– Improper Construction Monitoring
– Poor Project Controls & Oversight
– Construction-Related Damage
– Construction Vibration Damage
– Improper Construction Means & Methods
– Improper Materials Selection
– Improper Workmanship
– Incomplete Work & Omissions
– Non-Compliance with Plans & Specifications
– Manufacturers Defects in Building Products
– Manufacturers Defects in Materials
– Manufacturers Defects in Equipment
– Building Code Violations
– Other Code(s) Violations
– Permit Violations
– Premature Failure of Building Components
– Manufacturer’s Instructions Non-Compliance
– Warrantee Issue
– Damage Quantification & Cost Estimating area

– Insurance Expert Witness
– Casualty Claims
– Catastrophic Property Damage Claims
– Structural Failure
– Geotechnical Issues
– Slope Failures
– Water Damage
– Water Infiltration
– Vapor Intrusion
– Corrosion
– Cracking
– Concrete Damage
– Plumbing & Water Control Valve Issues
– Storm Damage
– Wind Damage
– Fire Damage
– Snow & Ice Damage
– Cosmetic Damage
– Roof Failures
– Vandalism
– Odor & Indoor Air Quality Issues
– Contractor Fraud & Licensing 

– License bond claims
– Construction bond claims
– Payment bond claims
– Performance bond claims

– Design Defects
– Professional Malpractice Claims
– Errors & Omissions (E&O)
– Professional Negligence
– Improper Plans & Specifications

– Construction Contract Violations
– General Contractor Liability
– Subcontractor Liability
– Manufacturer Liability
– Supplier Liability
– Standards of Care
– Improper Workmanship
– Work Scope Disputes
– Constructibility Issues
– Change Orders
– Schedule Disruptions or Delays
– Loss of Labor Productivity
– Differing Site Conditions
– Unforeseen or Hidden Site Conditions
– Mechanic’s Liens
– OSHA Violations
– Worker Health & Safety Issues

– Real Estate Affected by Contamination
– Buildings Damaged by Contamination
– Improvements Damaged by Contamination
– Construction Materials Damaged by Contamination
– Environmental Trespass & Nuisance
– Environmental Stigma

– Onsite Work Injuries
– Tools & Construction Equipment Accidents
– Scaffolding & Ladder Accidents
– Fall Protection
– Confined Space
– Chemical Exposure
– OSHA Violations
– Wrongful Death

– Slip, Trip & Fall
– General Premises Liability
– Physical Conditions of Premises 
– Building, Safety & Sanitary Code Violations
– ADA Violations
– Wrongful Death

– Planning & Zoning Violations
– Easement & Rights-of-Way Issues
– Hidden or Undisclosed Defects
– Environmental Contamination
– Geotechnical Issues
– Site Drainage Issues

– Housing Code Violations
– Building Code Violations
– Sanitary Code Violations
– HUD Compliance
– Warrantee of Habitability Issues
– ADA & Accessibility Compliance
– Hazardous Materials & Toxic Mold

– Highly Complex or Technical Matters
– Unusual Issues
– Rebuttal Expert Witness



Construction Expert Witness Construction Defects Expert Witness Forensic Engineer Design Expert Witness Construction Products Expert Catastrophic Insurance Claims Surety Claims Forensics Accident and Injury Construction Expert Inspection Engineer Expert Witness Testimony Expert Testimony

Who we work for

We work with clients in every facet of the construction, design, insurance, and surety industries including:

  • Law Firms & Litigators
  • Corporate In-House Counsel
  • Insurance Companies
  • Insurance Adjusters
  • Sureties
  • General Building Contractors
  • Subcontractors
  • Architects & Engineers
  • Construction Managers
  • Building Products Manufacturers
  • Materials & Equipment Manufacturers
  • Products, Materials & Equipment Suppliers
  • Building Owners & Investors
  • Property Developers
  • Lessors & Lessees
  • REITs
  • Business Owners
  • Municipalities & Government Agencies
  • Physically Injured Parties


Why top litigators choose HG Cornerstone as their expert witness

Excellence in forensic engineering.

HG Cornerstone is backed by over 30 years of combined engineering consulting practice, hands-on construction field work and direct construction oversight. Our unique approach involves fact-based research, precise investigations and experience-based testimony.

At HG Cornerstone, we realize that the end product we deliver is ultimately “diligence.” This is why we begin each and every matter with a thoughtful consultation to fully understand the depth and breadth of the matter at hand. We then proceed with the end goal in mind.

First, we work closely with legal counsel to understand the theme of the case. Next, we develop a precise scope for providing expert consultation on each legal matter. This allows us to proceed in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible. Our winning approach involves well-researched, fact-based solutions and HG Cornerstone has the track record to prove it. 

For a complementary initial consultation by a construction expert witness, please contact us today at 866-204-3440 or [email protected].

HG Cornerstone Construction Expert Witness Construction Consultant Forensic Engineer Forensic Engineering Firm Construction Defects Expert Witness Construction Defects Consultant
Construction Expert Witness Construction Defects Expert Witness Forensic Engineer Design Expert Witness Construction Products Expert Catastrophic Insurance Claims Surety Claims Forensics Accident and Injury Construction Expert Inspection Engineer Expert Witness Testimony Expert Testimony

Client Testimonial

“Joel [Breuer, P.E.] went above and beyond the call of duty in investigating and analyzing a construction site accident, including work to coordinate a reconstruction of the accident scene that cast significant doubt on the opposing side’s version of events, and led to a favorable settlement. I have no hesitation in recommending his services.”

~Kevin M. Hensley, Partner
Barton Gilman LLP
HG Cornerstone Construction Expert Witness Construction Consultant Forensic Engineer Forensic Engineering Firm Construction Defects Expert Witness Construction Defects Consultant

Client Testimonial

“Joel [Breuer, P.E.] presented as significant expert rebuttal witness on a difficult component of a lengthy trial and handled direct as well as cross-examination as well as anyone could have asked for. Suffice it to say, a favorable finding by a well-respected decision maker who was strict on evidentiary formalities was likewise as much as anyone could have asked for. It was also what the client had delivered (100% to the precise six figured claim dollar). Joel was an absolute pleasure to deal with and I would not hesitate to recommend for future matters that involve his field of expertise.”

~Patrick J. Sullivan, Esq.
Sullivan Construction Law

Client Feedback

“Joel: I just wanted to let you know that the above-referenced matter recently settled. Thank you for all the work you did in helping us reach an excellent resolution to the matter. I look forward to working with you again in the future. Regards, Chris”

~Christopher G. Perillo, Esq.
Murphy & Riley, PC

Award of Arbitrator

“I find that Joel Breuer was a competent and qualified expert witness…I do find that there were significant items of work performed by [the general contractor] and its subcontractors in an unworkmanlike and defective manner and other items that were not performed at all…I find that Mr. Breuer’s estimated repair costs were…reasonable considering that there will be a significant additional cost to performing this work…I have factored in all of these issues in my calculation of damages in this case.”

~Case Arbitrator
Excerpt from Arbitrator's Final Decision & Award (addressing Mr. Breuer's report & oral testimony)

Construction Expert Witness Opinions based on Real-World Design & Construction Experience

Expert opinions are provided by Joel E. Breuer, PE, a professional civil engineer and construction expert witness with over 30 years of engineering design, consulting and hands-on construction field experience. When you hire HG Cornerstone, you get Mr. Breuer.



As a construction expert witness, Mr. Breuer works closely with legal counsel to establish the theme and precise scope of each legal matter in order to proceed in the most efficient and cost effective manner possible. His winning approach involves well-researched, fact-based solutions and he has the track record to prove it.

Construction Expert Witness Construction Defects Expert Witness Forensic Engineer Design Expert Witness Construction Products Expert Catastrophic Insurance Claims Surety Claims Forensics Accident and Injury Construction Expert Inspection Engineer Expert Witness Testimony Expert Testimony
Interested in our Services?

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    (866) 204-3440

    [email protected]

    East Coast

    198 Tremont Street, No. 430, Boston, MA 02116

    (617) 575-2300

    [email protected]

    West Coast

    1024 Bayside Drive, No. 521, Newport Beach, CA 92660

    (949) 432-3212

    [email protected]